
And the winners are…

We are happy to announce that the Europeana Video Remix Jury has ruled and decided to award 4 exceptional videos. Two of the remixes were created as a team effort, two were made individually. Here is the winners’ list with a short summary from the Jury:

Compelling and inventive, with a good concept and follow-through.

  • Bartosz Aziewicz, Kuba Kalcowski, Magdalena LudwickaBack to fun!

Great editing skills and music’s correspondence with the visuals. Working well technically, and esthetically.

Impressive technical skills of the author.

  • Edyta Garstkowiak, Bartosz Aziewicz, Magdalena LudwickaCommunication

Short, snappy and clever, nice bridging between archival material and the contemporary.  

Each of the authors of the winning remixes will be rewarded with a Fuji Instax mini camera with additional film packs.
Additionally, Liceum Plastyczne from Olsztyn, which students turned out to be the most active participants in the competition, will be rewarded with a Panasonic HC-V110 camera.

The Jury, composed of representatives of 3 institutions – the Europeana Foundation, the National Audiovisual Institute of Poland and the Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision, wants also to thank the authors of all remixes. Well done you all!

A big thank you to all the participants for your engagement and our special congratulations to all the winners!

Europeana Video Remix Team

Time for sending in your remixes is up!

June 1 was the deadline for submitting videos for the Europeana Video Remix competition. Thank you for your interest in the contest. We appreciate the numerous questions and above all we are pleased with the submitted works and already would like to congratulate their authors.
You can check out all the approved videos in the Remix Gallery.

What’s next?
The International Jury, composed of representatives of 3 institutions – Jill Cousins​​ from Europeana Foundation, Anna Derwich from National Audiovisual Institute of Poland and Johan Oomen from the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, will choose the best 3.
Also, the most active school will get a reward for the involvement of its students.

The winners will be announced on June 16 so stay tuned!

New deadline – June 1st!

You have one more week to create and submit your remixes! We are extending the competition deadline to June 1st! Do you have additional questions, find the competition guidelines unclear or do not know which archives and what licenses to use? Feel free to contact us at Great awards await you! Try yourself!

In search for inspiration?

Still not sure which remix topic to choose from? Remember there are four different subjects on which you can create your own and unique story:

  • 100th anniversary of World War I
  • 25th anniversary of democratic changes in Central and Eastern Europe
  • History of fashion and style
  • History of technology and media

If you are searching for inspiration you should definitely take a look at the new exemplary remix on Transformation’89.

Go ahead and dig in the archives and share your perspective! You have time until May 25th.

How to correctly describe Creative Commons licenses?

To make the remixing easier for you we have prepared an exemplary description compatible with the CC license regulations.

zdjecie We marked in the picture information that must be contained in your description: Exterior of the Hackney Empire theatre (originally a music hall), Mare Street, London. Designed by architect Frank Matcham in 1901 for Oswald Stoll’s theatre, with Art Nouveau style decoration,

Author: Frank Matcham

CC-BY via Europeana

That’s it! Good luck!

Ready, steady, go!

We invite young participants to take part in Europeana Video Remix competition.
We are waiting for your works from April 7th to May 25th!

What must I do to take part? Pick one of the topics of the competition, create your remix from the content found on Europeana, tell your story and win cool prizes!

Here is an example of a remix about fashion and style. It refers to an essential of fashion history – an evolution of catwalk style. Check it and see how easily you can use archives to make a thrilling video remix!